Before you go

Feb 13, 2010

Santa Teresa hotel, in Rio: great bar, mediocre restaurant

Santa Teresa's top hotel, the  Santa Teresa, which we've already shown photos of in this blog, has a restaurant that is quite stunning but, sadly, serves below-par food.  Says who? Says my friend and restaurant critic Constance Escobar. Click here to see dish-by-dish pictures of her recent meal there...  (I've also eaten there and.... was a bit disappointed myself).

The restaurant is called Térèze (in the picture above, seen from the exterior). And it's really too bad that the food is nothing special, because the actual space is quite beautiful! I love the chairs, designed by Minas Gerais artist Rock Lane, you can see more of his stuff on  his site.

Now... if you want to eat well, book a table at the nearby Aprazível, then finish off the Santa Teresa day with a mignardises and coffee at Terèze:

Or even better, a drink at the hotel's charming  bar:

Hotel Santa Teresa: Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 660, Santa Teresa, tel. (21) 2222-2755,


  1. Parabens pelo blog!
    Alexandre Taleb
    Personal Stylist

  2. Hello Alexandra and Antonella,

    Congratulations for your website. I'm glad to visit it.
    I'd like to invite you to visit Valor Luxury Lab, where we discuss about Luxury Market, trends and news...I hope you both enjoy it :-)

    Best regards

    Ricardo Ojeda Marins
