Before you go

Oct 30, 2010

Flexeiras, new kid on the Ceará block !

by Antonella Kann

The year´s not yet over and I´m already planning Easter. That´s what travel addicts do. It suddenly occured to me that I could use this opportunity when my daughter said she had a wedding to attend in Jericoacoara, in the state of Ceará. So, that´s where I wanna go.

As you are already familiar with some places in this state, as well as its golden dunes, my focus is on somewhere else, nearby, but a little further down the coast.

It´s a small fishermen´s village only 120 km (an hour away) north from capital Fortaleza, and its name is Flexeiras. A couple of years ago I´ve been there on my way to Jeri, and found the place stunning.

In 2011, Easter falls on the end of April, when the weather is warm, sunny and the place tourist free. It will be heaven.

Best part is that I discovered, accidentally, that a brand new five star resort has just opened there. Just by browsing the site, I realized that this hotel (which belongs to the Roteiro de Charme chain, which is our brand of luxury and comfort at its top) is one of a kind. Of course, the pretty setting helps, but suites with private jacuzzi also have their share to contribute for a... errh, phenomenal stay. I sure am looking forward to...

The name is Orixas Art Hotel ( . Check it out yourself and tell me if it doesn´t give you the itch to go there…tomorrow. And if you do, before me, just post a comment so that I know beforehand what to expect! I´d rely on your opinions, for sure.

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