Womens’ salon – Crystal Care
Hot young actresses like brunette beauty Malu Mader come here not just for their blow-dries and highlights, but to even out their tans in the jet-bronze booth or get manis in the well-tended greenhouse while sipping expressos.
Rua Barão de Jaguaripe, 289, Ipanema, tel. (21) 3813-0560.

Fragrance – Água de Banho
Natura is Brazil’s most glam cosmetics brand in spite of – or perhaps because – of the fact its products are not sold in stores. Clients can either shop at their one and only store, in Paris, or call a rep and schedule a house call. As its name implies, Natura sources most of its ingredients from the exuberant flora of Brazil. Its latest hit fragrance is Água de Banho (Bath Water), a light and refreshing blend suited to the heat of the tropics.

Dermatology clinic – Juvenesse
Dermatologists Andréa Serra and Paulina Kede go far beyond mere consultations at their new clinic Juvenesse. Bold name clients like foxy TV anchor Fátima Bernardes choose from a long list of treatments, ranging from post-op lymphatic drainage and botox injections to chemical peels and the high-tech melanesse, meant to erase those dreaded sun spots.
Av. das Américas, 4200, Bloco 8, Barra da Tijuca, tel: (21) 3385-4496

Plastic surgery clinic – Vitée
Surgeon-to-the-soap-stars Dr. Ricardo Cavalcanti owns this clinic, specialized in nips and tucks. There the newest craze for those afraid to go under the knife is the so-called carboxitherapy, whereby carbon dioxide is injected under the skin to dissolve cellulite.
Avenida Fernando Mattos, 225, Barra da Tijuca, tel. (21) 2492-1107
Gym – A! Body Tech
No other gym in town boasts a higher quotient of drop-dead gorgeous young things flaunting tight abs. Two of the owners, sometimes spotted working the weights, are Ronaldo – Brazil’s greatest soccer player and tabloid fixture – and sexy actor Rodrigo Santoro, who played Nicole Kidman’s lover in a Chanel No. 5 ad and had his first U.S. movie role in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.
Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 365b, Ipanema, tel.(21) 2523-3898

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