It's what we've all been fearing: the US media has "discovered" the wonders of Trancoso and is now spreading the word. Which of course means more Americans will flock to the übercool beach spot in Southern Bahia, pousada owners will jack their prices even higher and the laid-back feel of the ex-hippie enclave and fishing town will be replaced by a ritzier, dressed-up vibe. Sigh...
In its September '09 issue, Vanity Fair calls Trancoso's beaches "deserted, wide and virgin". Uh... a bit of an exageration, perhaps? Or maybe the writer was there in the off-season?
They do get it right when they say everyone wears havaianas flip-flops and drinks caipirinhas, but say that the de rigueur beach attire are tiny bikinis for girls (tiny is of course a very relative term, as Americans consider almost every bikini tiny) and Brazilian speedos for men (eeesh! so not true!).
And more Trancoso on this blog:
- Uxua, a new-ish luxury boutique hotel in Trancoso
- Jacaré do Brasil: my favourite Trancoso pousada
- A complete listing of hotels and pousadas that I recommend
- Terravista: one of the world's most beautiful golf courses
- Trancoso: all the best restaurants
- Trancoso and Espelho: top 5 things to do
- A slideshow of my favourite Trancoso photos
- Tauana hotel, in Corumbau, South of Trancoso
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