Photo: Rosa de Luca
Not many foreigners know this, but the Bahian coastline is teeming with Indians. Yep. Real indians, who wear feathers, face paint and all the rest.
South of Trancoso and Espelho there is a large Indian reserve where many of them live. They earn a living driving buggies and taxying tourists from one end of their reserve to the other (that's the only way to get, say, from Caraíva beach to Corumbau beach by land).
Now the Pataxó Indians have just thought of a new way to make a few extra bucks. If you call the tribe chief/elder on his cell (!!!!) and book in advance, his tribe will dance and cook lunch for your group. The meal is fish served on taioba leaves without any seasoning (but deliciously fresh).
His number is 011 55 73 9941-1732.
Only in Brazil....
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