February 22, starting at 9pm

Av. Ministro Edgard Romero, 114 - Madureira - Tel.: 2489-8722 / 2489-9656
Parade: at 9pm
2009 Theme: Legend of the Mermaids and the Mysteries of the Sea

Rua Wallace Soares, 5 e 6 - Centro - Duque de Caxias - Tel.: 2771-4074
Barracão nº 4 - Cidade do Samba - Tel:2263-5102
Parade: between 10:05pm and 10:20pm
2009 Theme: Voilá, Caxias! Forever Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité. Merci Beaucoup, Brésil! You are welcome!

Av. Boulevard Vinte e Oito de Setembro, 382 - Vila Isabel
Tels.: 2578-0077, 2576-4120
Barracão nº 5 - Cidade do Samba - Tels: 2283-1744, 2233-0787, 2263-3937
Parade: between 11:10 and 11:40pm
2009 Theme: In this Stage of Amusements, My “Vila” is Announcing: The Municipal Theatre, a Centenary Wonder

Rua Coronel Tamarindo, 38 - Padre Miguel - Tel.: 3332-5823
Barracão nº 10 - Cidade do Samba - Tel: 2516-3215
Parade: between 00:15am and 01:00am
2009 Theme: Mocidade Presents: Literature Club - Machado de Assis and Guimarães Rosa... the Stars of Poetry

Rua Pracinha Wallace Paes Leme, 1.025 - Nilópolis - Tel.: 2791-2866
Barracão Nº 11 - Cidade do Samba - Tel: 2233-5889
Parade: between 1:20am and 2:20am
2009 Theme: In the Merry Shower, those who bathe their bodies wash their soul with amusement

Av. Francisco Bicalho, 47 – Clube dos Portuários - Santo Cristo
Tel.: 2518-3957
Barração n° 12 - Cidade do Samba - Tel: 2263-9836
Parade: between 2:25am and 3:40am
2009 Theme: Tijuca 2009 A Space Odyssey
February 23, from 9pm

Rua Lúcio Tomé Feteira, 290 - Vila Lage - São Gonçalo - Tel.: 3707-1518
Barracão nº 6 - Cidade do Samba - Tels: 2203-2705, 2291-9449
Parade: at 9pm
2009 Theme: Don’t stop my creating, for I must curiositate! I am the country of the future and much I have to invent

Rua Silva Teles, 104 - Tijuca - Tels.: 2238-9226
Barracão nº 8 - Cidade do Samba - Tel: 2223-1110
Parade: between 10:05pm and 10:20pm
2009 Theme: Drums

Rua Professor Lacê, 235 - Ramos - Tel.: 2560-8037
Barracão nº 14 - Cidade do Samba - Tel: 3472-0442
Parade: between 11:10pm and 11:40pm
2009 Theme: Imperatriz... just wants to show it can make Samba too!

Rua Clara Nunes, 81 – Madureira - Tel.: 2489-6440
Barracão nº 1 - Cidade do Samba - Tel: 2233- 4812
Parade: between 0:15am and 1am
2009 Theme: And talking about love, where are you?

Rua Visconde de Niterói, 1.072 - Mangueira - Tels.: 3872-6786 / 3687
Barracão nº 13 - Cidade do Samba
Parade: between 1:20am and 2:20am
2009 Theme: Mangueira features Brazil’s Brazils, showing the configuration of the Brazilian people

Av. do Contorno, 16 – Barreto - Niterói - Tel.: 2628-7840
Barracão nº 2 - Cidade do Samba - Tels: 2516-3171, 2516-1301
Parade: between 2:25am and 3:40am
2009 Theme: Vira-Bahia pure energy!
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